Tuesday, August 11, 2009

We arrived in Mt Isa on this the last day of the Mt Isa Rodeo. We planned it that way. We had been told about the rodeo and knew accommodation was hard to get but we also wanted to see a rodeo so we planned to be here on the last day.
We spent this afternoon at the rodeo, looking very much like a couple of city slickers amongst the RM Williams moleskins, checked shirts, boots and akubra hats.
I had a ball. To be honest, I wasn’t sure if watching cowboys being bucked off a bull or a horse was my thing but I thoroughly enjoyed it. It gets quite exciting watching them hang on and willing them to stay on the bull. It’s pretty dangerous stuff, one guy almost got gored by the bulls horns and the audience gasped. After the rodeo we went up to the city lookout to watch the sunset

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