Saturday, June 30, 2012

This morning we visited the Wieliczka Salt Mine.  A dark and rickety 9 person squeezed in lift takes you down 130 metres below the ground.
Then gradually you go down 380 stairs, in sections.  Some stairs were made of salt and very slippery.

You walk along tunnels and then enter chambers where there are salt sculptures that date back more than 700 years.  The average temp in the mine is 14-16 degrees.  There are 2400 chambers over 245km over the various levels all the way down to 327 metres.
In the largest chamber they hold concerts, weddings and functions.  The acoustics are excellent.  It is a beautiful chamber with the floor made of salt, salt sculptures and chandeliers made of salt.

It is an amazing place.  The tour takes nearly 3 hours.

The Chapel

Colin in the chapel

1 comment:

Sarah said...

wow! that looks very cool and massive.