Thursday, July 12, 2018


We stayed in a pub in the village of East Horsley while we visited friends and took a train trip up to London to see the RAF flyover.

We didnt know anything about it until a friend mentioned it.  We were told there was going to be a flyover of 100 planes over Buckingham Palace to commemorate 100 years of the RAF.

There was a vast array of aircraft thundering across the London sky and over Buckingham Palace in a spectacular flypast that marked the 100th anniversary of the RAF.

Quite a large crowd had gathered and we thought we wouldnt get to see much.  Then a security person spoke to us and told us to follow her and she led us to this area labelled as Accessible and there was hardly anyone there, so I was able to get right up to the barrier and had a good view of the palace and the balcony where members of the royal family were due to come out to watch the flyover.

It was a great day out and we nearly missed it.  It was only by chance that we found out about it.

 Puma and Chinook helicopters kicked things off just after 1pm, followed by aircraft including a Lancaster, Spitfires, Hurricanes, the A400M Atlas, Tornados and three F-35 stealth fighter jets.

The planes formed the number 100

 During the flypast, 22 Typhoon jets spelt out the number 100 in the sky, their biggest ever formation which came as a surprise to all those watching below.
The red Arrows

 Drawing the spectacle to a close was the Red Arrows, who in traditional aerobatic style streamed red, white and blue smoke down the length of the Mall.

Me in pole position to see everything

After a short wait members of the Royal family came to the Palace from Westminister Cathedral where they had been attending a service.  The Queen was first to arrive in a Rolls Royce.

About 6 or 8 cars in total arrived at the palace gates and were escorted into the ground by motorcyle police.  Then shortly after that the RAF began to arrive marching in and accompanied by various RAF bands.  They filled the forecourt of the palace.  There was a presentation by the Queen who we could hear but not see.  The bands played God Save the Queen.  Then shortly after the end of the presentation the flyover began and the royal family came out on to the balcony.  I had a really good view of them and took some photos.

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