Thursday, October 17, 2013

On our last day in Cornwall we went to visit a tin mine right on the edge of a cliff.  Levant Mine and Beam Steam engine.

This is the only Cornish beam engine anywhere in the world that is still in steam on its original mine site.
The famous Levant engine is housed in a small engine house perched on the edge of the cliffs.
Restored after 60 idle years by a group of volunteers known as the 'Greasy Gang', it is interesting to see this old engine in action, with its evocative sounds and smells.

We learnt all about the mine.  How the mine shaft was accessed by a series of ladders that took the works more than 2 hours to ascend and descend.  They weren't paid for this either.  The working day didn't begin until they had reached the bottom.  The conditions were horrendous.


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