Wednesday, September 3, 2014

More Transylvania

After breakfast this morning we headed down the road to visit Peles Castle. Located in Sinaia Peles Castle is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful castles in all of Europe.  It was the final resting place for several Romanian monarchs including King Carol 1, who died here in 1914.

The castle was built in wood, stone, bricks and marble and comprises more than 160 rooms. The style used is German Renaissance.

Quite outstanding are the Big Armory Room, the small Armory Room housing a priceless collection of weapons, the Moresque Room, The French Room, the Turkish Room, the Council Room, the Concert Room as well as the Imperial Suite.

There are statues, ceramics, gold and silver plates, Meissen porcelain, amazing Murano crystal chandeliers and Murano crystal edged mirrors.  The castle has one of the most important and most valuable painting collections in Europe, almost 2.000 pieces.

Then there’s the gardens and statues and fountains.  I would have to say it is far more impressive than Bran Castle.

Set high in the mountains amongst towering trees you can imagine how beautiful it would look in winter covered in snow.


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